I spend half of my day chasing Harper around. But I absolutely love my time with him. I love cuddling up on the couch, taking him to the park, going on our date nights... It is so much fun giving him every little bit of my attention. We decided to wait for at least another year before we try for another baby. In the meantime we plan of spoiling Harper rotten and we want to do some traveling with Harper before our next baby arrives. Our dream is to move to Spain for a few months (6-9 months perhaps) and take Spanish classes. They say it is much easier to teach children another language when they are really young. How cool would it be to teach Harper Spanish in Spain!? Now that is just a crazy dream and would take a whole lot of planning, preparation, and sacrifice. But once we have another little monkey it will be really hard to do a crazy trip like that.
In the meantime, I like to design our future nurseries in my head. I came across these awesome prints on Zulily and I am tempted to grab one and hold onto it until Huffman baby #2 arrives. You can find them here and they are only $19.99 (normally $42)!
Which one is your favorite? What is the theme of your nursery?
Oh my gosh! I live in Greenville too! What a small world. Love your blog.