
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Packing List for the Hospital

I found this adorable hospital packing list on Lay Baby Lay blog!! You can download and print your own copy HERE!!

I think this is an awesome and adorable list. I am going to go into detail about a few of the items on the list and I have a few more suggestions of items that were helpful to me.

Slippers are totally necessary. I got the BEST pair of slippers for the hospital at Brookstone. 

You can find them here. They are the nap Luxe Foot Comforters. And they are irresistibly soft and comfortable.  The are made from double thick NapSoft Luxe material and filled with cozy blend of 50% duck down and 50% duck feathers. I actually call mine "duck boots." These are seriously the best slippers I have ever owned and my hubby thought they were so comfortable that he bought himself a pair. They are on sale for $14.99!!! You need these for the hospital ladies.

Underwear-  You may want to wear the mesh underwear provided by the hospital since lochia can sometimes be rather heavy after delivery and pads often do leak. Or you may be more comfortable in some soft, old undies from home. Either way, it's best to be prepared and bring a few pair with you, just in case. Comfort is key post birth! I wore the hospital undies for the first day and I thought they were extremely comfortable. I also brought about 6 pairs of granny panties which came in handy.

Nursing bra, pads, and tops-  These are especially wonderful for breastfeeding moms, but the bras are not a bad idea even if you don't plan on nursing. Nursing bras give you extra protection and support.While I was nursing I tried several different kinds and my favorite were the Medela Disposable Nursing Bra Pads. I thought they were more absorbent and better at preventing soak-through than most breast pads and I like the fact that they were extra-thin and discreet.

The going-home outfit  Moms-to-be, it's time for a reality check! Put aside those hopes of wearing your favorite pre-pregnancy jeans home from the hospital and opt for something loose fitting and comfortable. You will probably still look pregnant (it takes time for most women's bodies to shrink back to pre-pregnancy size), and if you have a C-section you will appreciate something loose at your waist. You'll also want flat, comfortable shoes. Lay Baby Lay recommends these comfortable yoga pants.

Baby going-home outfit- Don't buy a gown, you can't put them in the car seat if they have one on. And remember to buy "newborn" sized clothing. The 0-3 month clothing was HUGE on mister baby.

Nursing Pillow- ladies remember your Boppy or My Breast Friend. It is a lifesaver when you are trying to learn how to breastfeed!

Items to add to the list-

*Video camera
*Breastfeeding information- Bring a breastfeeding book or consider scheduling a lactation consultant to visit you after the baby is born. Some hospitals provide this service, but it's a good idea to double check with your provider and insurance company before the birth.
*Baby book or journal You may want to jot down some details in Baby's book while everything is still fresh in your mind. Don't forget to see if the baby book has a place for newborn footprints—you can have these done at the hospital.
*Cell Phone- don't forget the cell!
*Lip Balm- your lips will feel chapped and you will want to make sure to have some Chap Stick.
*Make-up- maybe it is not 100% necessary but I loved freshening up and putting a little make-up on before my first family photo.
*Pretty hospital gown- OK once again this is not a necessity but it was a total hit at the hospital. And wearing a pretty gown made me feel happy and cheerful. I had a local seamstress make mine (for $20!) but you can also find adorable ones on Etsy!


  1. This picture of you still makes me smile... such a beautiful mommy-to-be!

  2. Such a helpful post! We're having our first baby in January and will probably be coming back to this post a couple times :) Thanks!
